Monday, February 2, 2009

Big Fat Quest Begins

This is a quest to give a voice to the middle aged woman who I've become. I, like many others such as myself, have managed to put on many extra pounds over the years. I have tried, to lose the weight (commercial weight loss programs) and always have put on more.

This time I would like to chronicle my very honest journey to weight loss through proper nutrition and proper exercise.

I am in the care of a wonderful registered dietician who has been working with me for about 4 months. I have only gained weight since meeting her....not her fault...I have a really strong historical self-sabotauge element in my make up!! My next appointment is in 3 weeks and I really want to show her some positive results. I would like to surprise her that I have learned from her expertise and I have followed the Canada Food Guide plan.

I was inspired by Joania Burnett's blogspot ( to start this blog. She doesn't know me, but through her story I think that we know each other quite well! She is trying to lose 100 lbs in one year and I would like to do this as well.

Today I start at 240 lbs and I would like to lose 100 lbs by Feb. 2, 2010. I am very out of shape but I know I have an inner athlete deep inside somewhere that has to be extricated. I don't have any health issues that I know about (I have an annual next month), and I am 49 years old. The sad part of my story is that I have four beautiful teenage daughters who have only seen their mom as obese!

Wish me big fat quest!!!


  1. Hi,It's Joania!! I just found this today and truly wished I knew about it me...let me know how you're doing!! :)

  2. Hey just checking
